Friday, November 1, 2013

Going after my dream

Day 1016 - We keep working on the store. Today we drove to Ikea and bought bookcases for the store. Next week we will finish the painting, assemble the bookcases and start stocking the shelves. We have so much work, so many details are going into starting a tiny 33 sq/m of a store. Suppliers, insurance, display. and of course the advertising part like website, sign and printed materials. So much work while I also have to do my day job. I am so swamped with work but it is also very rewarding and very exciting and the feeling of building something new is amazing and doing that with the man I love makes everything even more special. For so many years I wanted to open a store. I know it will not make me rich but I know it will bring me the money I need for my living expenses so I can do it for many years to come and what can be better than working in the field you love doing things I so want to do but barely find time for them, like reading my books and teaching what I learned, or talking about that with my customers. With every passing day this dream is getting closer to its fulfillment, to opening day.
I am thankful for being able and not be afraid to go after my dream. I am thankful for all the uplifting feelings it fills my day with. I am thankful I found a partner I can dream with; I know how rare this is and I sure don't  take it for granted.

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