Sunday, November 23, 2014

A good day in the store

Day 1403 - it was cold today and wet most of the day but it did not prevent few of our clients to frequent the store. By the end of the day it accumulated to a very impressive total. If every day will be like that it will be just great. It's really interesting but a little over a year since we opened the store we still don't see a pattern. We still have days when almost no one comes in and days like today that each one that visited bought and in a nice sum. I don't get it but I'm happy when it happens and hope for more such days. But this is what makes it so interesting. You never know how a day will transpire; what the next day will be like. It keeps us in a guessing game, but keeps us in the game. But the most important thing if all, I am thankful for every client, for every sale. I am thankful that a year after we opened our doors we are in the business and doing better with every passing month.

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