Thursday, November 27, 2014

Fixing my computer

Day 1407 - my new laptop made awful noises today, minutes after I turned it on. When all else failed, I pushed the on/off button. It sure stopped the noise but I could not turn it on again. After an hour or more I gave up and decided to call their help desk. Thanks god to international offices since it was too late on a Thursday night here in my country and they don't work until Sunday morning. And in the US it's Thanksgiving so no one is working there. But the help desk is always on from somewhere around the globe and 16 minutes later my computer was back on the air. It was a serious crash but they were able to guide me through and solve it. So on Thanksgiving night I am thankful for these amazing setup that somewhere in the world it's a work day and an anonymous guy can just walk me through the whole process of getting my computer up and running even though I understand nothing in what happened or what is the meaning of the steps I did per his instructions. The amazing power of world stations and transparent technology if passing my call... I am bubbling, I am so excited it got fixed. I was sure its gone only a month after I bought it!! I thought I'll have to send it back. But all it took is one phone call and 16 minutes of my time. I am so thankful for that.

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