Monday, November 3, 2014

A midweek visit

Day 1383 - my daughter came to visit tonight and we got to spend few hours together. She is planning to go on a few months trip and is, of course very excited about it. It is kind of a coming of age tradition in our country to travel abroad for a few months after getting out of the army and before college and now she worked to save enough money and is in full gear, planning wise. I think it is a great tradition and I am so happy she is going to take full advantage of it. When I was her age it was not as common but I still had it in mind. But I let the circumstances to take control and forgot to stir my own wagon and I know I missed a very special experience, something that cannot be done later in life. And so, I am so very happy she is smarter and going the right way, collecting memories that will last a life time and will probably shape her life a great deal. I am happy I can do it vicariously through her plans and hopefully in a few years I will do my late bloomers' trip. Different but still very special. I am thankful to see my daughter here after a month I didn't see her. I am thankful to see her so happy and full of life, full of plans. I am thankful for a wonderful evening we got to spend together.

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