Saturday, November 29, 2014

Another fun hike

Day 1409 - after a week of rains we had a sunny Saturday. The soil was too saturated for a hike but we were not to let it deter us from a good walk. So we just walked all the way from our house to the sea and back. An hour and a half in each direction and the going back is a serious climb up the Carmel Mountain so we sure got our workout. It was easier than last weekend, and no rain which makes all the difference in the world. But we sure needed our rest at the end of this hike. Working in the store we really don't move around much and this weekly walk is the least we can do to keep in shape and not let our health deteriorate. I hope we'll find so time to get one more walk in the middle of the week. It was so much fun today and we hiked both ways talking and joking non stop that it made the whole trip so nice and the effort so doable. I love it that we spend every day together and we still have so much to talk about. That we still enjoy each other's company so much. I sure don't take it for granted and I am thankful everyday for the love that fills my life that I didn't think possible. For a partner that shares so many of my interests. it comes with its own set of issues and I am learning to deal with that. And I am thankful every day that we've found each other; today included.

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