Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Day 1405 - another numerology class that leaves me speechless. It's amazing to see, time and again, how things fall into place. How people act unknowingly according to their numbers, or to phrase it differently, how accurate this system is. With every passing week I gain more confidence and I know a little more and I'm getting closer to the finish line, to the place I'll feel confident enough to start consulting. I am about three months away from that day. The funny thing is that we are scheduled to finish our class a day before my birthday. A nice present indeed. And until then I'll keep practicing whenever I can and become more confident in my ability and understanding of the material. And in the not so far future, I'll put it into good use and finally about 14 years too late I'll start working in the area I was destine to work and didn't. After so many years of delay after delay, of searching for the right venue in this vast field I found my calling and I am getting ready to embark on this path

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