Monday, July 11, 2011

About Attachments

Day 174 – I like crafts. I like the feeling of doing something out of nothing, of creating. The problems is that many times I start a project and for one reason or another I put it aside and promptly forget to get back to it and after a while I add it to the growing pile of my “to finish” stuff. As I am unpacking the boxes now in my new apartment, I came across two boxes full of “to finish” stuff. Now I have to make a very courageous decision – to be or not to be for each one of them. It pains me since I love each and every one of them, but I also have to be brutally honest. If I haven’t touched it in 10 years or more, chances are it is not going to happened now. I can give myself some extra time of further testing- is there a chance I will get back to it and if not then toss or donate but get it out of here, but to be perfectly honest, I know the answer already. Jewelry making is a one I know I am going to keep working on it and maybe at some point even try to sell some. But right now I am just enjoying working on it. I even created a nice work station to make it easier to work on it. So this one (and it’s a very big pile) is safe.
 It was nice looking at all these things I did in the past – silk painting, knitting, crochet and so many different projects, but it is all part of things I don’t do anymore. And if I ever want to pick it up again – won’t it be nice to start with a new project and not just try to finish an old one? Won’t it be so much more satisfying. And what about the clutter it creates for no reason?

I am happy there are so many things I like doing, but I think it is time to put everything back in order in my life, including my crafts’ pile. So next week, after I’ll be done with unpacking I will start this most difficult task – letting go of parts of my life that are not needed any more. Getting rid of things can be very cleansing. I know that just looking at these boxes I get this heavy feeling, a burden; a constant reminder of an unfinished business. Finally I get it what it’s really all about – this is an attachment, a silly one at that, and I am going to put an end to that. A welcome side effect will be uncluttering my life so I really can’t find a good argument why not going about this process.

I am thankful I wrote about this issue because now I also understand the real problem, thus the solution. I am thankful for the challenge this move presented to me and I am thankful I am strong enough to raise up to it. I am thankful for all the beauty these activities brought to my life and I am thankful to let go.

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