Monday, July 25, 2011

The Wait is Over

Day 188 – Since her injury and surgery my daughter was waiting to get back to the service. It took a very long time, too long in our opinion, but at last tomorrow she is going back. The waiting period was very difficult for her, mainly because she didn’t know how long it will last so she could make no plans and she could do nothing because, like it actually happened, she was told they might call her from one day to the next. She was elated. The waiting is over and she is very excited about her new job. And so we went tonight to celebrate to one of our favorite restaurants in town, we had some bubbly wine and over all very festive evening. Then we went to buy few last moment things she wanted to take with her and we are calling it a night pretty early since she has to leave very early in the morning. I am going to miss this wonderful period that just ended tonight. It was so much fun having her with me so much. Her presence alone made my days so much brighter, but I also know how difficult it was for her, seeing all her friends in the military and she is not, it was so frustrating. So now her wait is over and she can re-start this important chapter in her life and do it her way.
I am thankful the time had finally come. I am thankful to see my daughter so excited and ready to go back. I am thankful she had this time to fully recover from her hair dye trauma, to get her driving license, and recover from her knee injury. I am thankful for these last few months we got to spend together so much time. I am thankful to see her spreading her wings again and ready to fly.  

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