Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Early Morning on the Beach

Day 168 – I went to the beach this morning at 6am and spent almost an hour there before going to work. What a glorious way to start my day. I was planning to do the same tomorrow, but I am not so sure anymore. It is almost midnight and I just set down to write my blog, didn’t take a shower yet or meditated, I don’t think I can go to sleep before 12:30 am and that’s really optimistic. So, I have to see about waking up that early tomorrow. The reason I am still awake is that I bought a bookcase today and they only delivered it at 10:40pm. And, of course, I had to assemble it and then unpack 2 boxes of books and put them on the shelves, and suddenly it was 11:40pm. But I am very happy I did it, even if the price is going to sleep later than planned. It is so nice to see more boxes go away and even more so, to see my books of the shelves again and everything a little more organized. I love it that I can do all these things on my own. I was always good at it and refused to ever play the damsel in distress, and now it comes so handy. It gives me the feeling of independence and I like that. So, overall it was a very good day. But if I have to choose one thing to be thankful for it is my morning on the beach. I didn’t do it in so long and from now on I will try to do it as often as I can without going crazy. The air was crisp, the beach was almost empty, and the light of that time a day is soft and special. I set there and read my book and looked at the sea and just enjoyed this very special experience of celebrating early morning this way.
I am thankful for an amazing time on the beach, for all the blessing I felt for just showing up. I am thankful I live in this city by the bay and so in 10 minutes I can get to the waterfront. I am thankful for this book again, that planted this idea in my head.  

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