Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Day 274 We had a quiet afternoon when suddenly my daughter noticed some fleas on our little dog!! We looked more closely and were overwhelmed by the amount of fleas crawling on her. That was the end of the relaxed afternoon and the beginning of a frantic fleas' hunt. It is a holiday today, again, and so all the stores were closed and we had to do with the little ammunition we had at home. We washed her with a special shampoo and then started looking through her thick long fur. At some point it became clear that we have to cut her hair much shorter if want to have any luck in getting rid of them; and this is exactly what we did. Now she looks like a little kid was playing with scissors, very short hair and uneven cut. It may sounds cruel, but it’s really not, she was itching a lot so it must have bothered her also and we were not about to wait 2 more days until the stores will open again to buy some medication; so we did what we had to do and we think we got them all. No wonder we had so many bites lately, and they were not from mosquitoes but fleas, biting, disgusting fleas. Hopefully we won not only this battle, but the war.
I am thankful my daughter noticed the fleas, I checked few days ago and didn’t find anything. Now that we found it, we could take action, and I hope this is the end of the story. I am thankful that our dog is such a good dog and didn’t complain or acted up when we treated her and it sure took a long time. I am thankful that although she had fleas it wasn’t too bad yet and we could get it under control in a few hours. And I am thankful I have no rugs so the damage to the house is minimal. I just washed the floors and we are done.         

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