Monday, October 24, 2011

A Magical Moment

Day 279 - Few weeks ago I had an entry quoting Paulo Coelho about magical moments in our days. It sounds so cool but so many times I don’t really see these moments. I look at it as something to strive for. But if you are lucky, sometimes you just know. This morning I was blessed with such an eye opening experience. I just looked at the moment and could feel all the magic there and I could already see that it starts stretching too thin; I could feel it quivers, just before it disappears into the cemetery of lost dreams, lost opportunities, lost moments of magic. I could feel all this and understood that I have such a magical moment in my hands and so I just didn’t let it go. I strengthen my heart, I steadied my hand and I took it. Who knows what are the long term implications of choosing magic instead of the easy way; who knows how many heart aches and tears awaiting me, but I knew, I made the right decision; I will not give up magical moments any more.
I am thankful for the magic in my life. I am thankful I was so aware of the moment and didn’t let it pass. I am thankful for all the gifts in my life.

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