Thursday, October 27, 2011

My Best Picture Yet

Day 282 -  It’s Thursday again, my favorite day of the week. It’s my drawing class day. I love this class; I’m sure by now you already figured it out. I wouldn’t miss it for anything. And today was no exception. I go in and just get lost for two hours; completely absorbed in the moment, in the movement of the pencil and the contour of whatever I draw at that time. Time stops outside our door, and inside there is only the Now and the little challenges of how to make a picture better, how to do something new every time, how to push myself a little further. No matter how my day was, no matter how sad or upset or stressed I am, within minutes it evaporates into thin air, and tranquility rolls in.
Today, an hour before class I was already thinking what am I going to draw and I decided to draw my own hand and so I did. My teacher had the idea to add a flower and this is the final product of today's class; a picture I am so proud of. I feel I made a huge leap today in my drawing and I am so happy about that. This is a picture I will happily hang on my wall, at least until better pictures will push it away. It’s funny, when I started the program of the artist’s way I was thinking of a writer, but the truth is I didn’t make enough progress there. What came out of me instead is a painter, which I always tried to do and never really showed any talent. The combination of the right teacher and the right timing is, like always, a winner. So today this posting shows my first real picture and I am very happy I got to this point.
I am thankful for yet another great class. I am thankful for the peace it brings into my life, for the deep satisfaction, for clarity. I am thankful for an amazing teacher that in his subtle ways pushes each and every one of us to make better and better art, who brings out the best in us. I am thankful for the serendipitous event that brought me to this class. 

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