Friday, November 25, 2011

A Family Meeting

Day 311 – My oldest sister and her three children and their families all live in a city about an hour away from where I live. Today we drove there to meet them all. We have 4 babies that were born this year within 3 months in the family, 3 of them were in this afternoon meeting. And it was so much fun to meet everyone. We talked for hours and had such great time, and all the little kids add so much to the atmosphere. Suddenly from being all adults and one child there were four kids, three of them about 6 months old, so it was really a very special meeting.
When I just moved here I drove a lot everywhere, now a year later I got into the local mindset that an hour drive is very far and I rarely do this trip. Some of my family member that I saw today I didn’t see for a few months now, and it’s really a shame. I love them all dearly and an hour drive is really no big deal. I will make it a habit from now on to do it more often. Another conclusion of the meeting is that we really have to do a whole family gathering every few months, and have all my siblings come as well as my cousins and their families. I love all of them and I enjoy this warm and fuzzy feeling of family after years that we were away, so I will take the initiative to have it more often.
I am thankful for a very lovely family gathering where laughs and hugs and love were all around. I am thankful that even though there is some tension between different members of the tribe, we still managed to put all that for a few hours and enjoy the good parts. I am thankful for one more day spent with my daughter and her fiancé and their little baby. I am thankful my youngest daughter came for Shabbat from the army and could take part in this event. I am thankful for a great day.  

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