Tuesday, November 22, 2011

My First day with My Granddaughter

Day 308 -   Today I finally got to see my granddaughter. And she is so cute and pretty and adorable, and… I played with her and we went to dinner, all of us, and I played with her some more and everyone else did too. It is so sweet to hear these little cooing sounds and the funny squeaks and some sounds I have no name for them but she still managed to produce them. and she was so lively and happy and ate her little dessert while we ate our food, and after about two hours she became tired and started making fussy sounds and her moms just put her to sleep. We already said good night and we each went to their own room/home so the baby can have a good night sleep since tomorrow will be a long day for the little one. We are traveling to Jerusalem, two hours away, and we have too many things we want to see so it will not be an easy day. I am happy about that – dead tired after I went to sleep at 3:30 and woke up at 6 am. So this is a short entry, I will write about the little one more, tomorrow; I am just too tired today.
I am so thankful I got to see my granddaughter today. I saw her five months ago and she sure did change a lot. I am thankful I got to play with her and hold her and have some quality time with her (quality for me, not necessarily for her). I am so very thankful my (almost) whole family gathered here for a week; it is so great to see everyone again and a chance to enjoy each other’s company; it makes me realize how much we are missing by being here and it tears my heart. I guess I’ll have to find some way to be thankful for that; maybe for the fact that I have a heart that can be torn. I am thankful for sme good deeds i did today in my volunteering capacity. and I am thankful I got to spend few hours with my youngest daughter, even if it was going to doctor's appointment again for her current allergy episode. still we had few hours together and I am always thankful for that. 

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