Sunday, November 6, 2011

Just Being Here

Day 292 -   my daughter finally got to meet with the immunologist today to see what is going on with her multiple allergic reactions in the past few weeks. And the truth is he is not really sure. It is very clear that her system got into an over reacting mode and what we see are not really allergic reactions, but random reactions to things. So the good news are that she is not allergic to everything’ like we started to think; the bad news are that her immune system is in an overreaction mode and he is not sure it is reversible.  And the options of treatment are not so exciting. Steroids, as first line of attack and if that won’t work - immunosuppressants. And he doesn’t know if it can cure her. It is a rare condition and not much in the literature about it. Definitely not a place you want to be. But this is where we are right now and it was a very emotional afternoon, of course. It is a big thing to try to digest and to come to term with. It will probably take a few days to sink-in. and I had something I had to do at work this afternoon and so after 3 hours of talking I had to leave her and go back to work. Today is not a happy day. and yet we have to find good in everything we encounter in life, we have to find something to be thankful for.
I am thankful it is not something that is dangerous to her life; it sure impacts the quality of her life, but doesn’t risk her life. I am thankful we know what’s going on; as difficult as it is, at least we know now what is it that was haunting her for the past few months, and knowing at least gives some hope. I am thankful most of all for being here with her; I cannot imagine her trying to deal with all this alone. It is not that I can do anything to help, but at least I am here and she can talked about it, and cry and have someone she loves so much to be with her at her time of need.

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