Tuesday, November 15, 2011

It's Raining Cats and Dogs

Day 301 - I live in a very dry country. A country where rain is a news worthy subject; a country where you pray for rain; have songs for rain; have a daily report of how much exactly it rained in every big city; a country where the winter is so short and unpredictable. And I just totally ignored it. I cannot believe that for the past two days it’s raining cats and dogs here and I still didn’t write about it.  I didn’t even mention that our city and the vicinity had the record rains for the country in the past 24 hours, and the way it feels today, we might break the record again. So I am here today to take care of this short sightedness. To correct what I erred. Our city sits on a mountain and goes all the way to the sea, so in some areas you can see ”rivers” flowing down the steep streets and it’s a big challenge to cross them. And of course in down town, at the bottom of the hills, there are areas that are flooded. And this is where I work. So Yesterday I just took my crocs to work and figured the water will just go in and out and at work I changed to something a little more appropriate. Another problem I never had before is my dog. She is not trust worthy as to her bathroom manners and I don’t leave her at home alone when I go to work. I have a very big porch, where she can play, has her food and even a bathroom area. The problem is that the porch is shaded but not water proofed. With the rains and the heavy winds I didn’t want to leave her all day outside. So I put her in her crate, but I don’t like that. I know it is ok if she stays for 8 hours in her crate, but I like it so much better when she is free to roam. I might make room for her in the other porch that is a closed one. I have a lot of stuff there, so I’ll need a weekend to make room for her there, but it might be the solution for the rainy season. I really like the rain, as much as it sounds like complaining. It washes everything and makes the air so clean and crisp again. It brings hope and the promise of a good tomorrow. And what’s better than to take a hot shower, and go with a good book to bed when it’s raining outside? Well, I know the answer to that, but since I have no one to cuddle with when the winds are blowing and its raining outside, I’ll make do with my book.

I am thankful for a very rainy day. I am thankful for the promise it brings with it, of good crops and enough water in the summer. I am thankful for a cold and windy evening where I already enjoyed a hot cup of tea and now I am about to continue the ritual of winter – hot bath and early bedtime, with a fuzzy music and a great book; It gives me a chance to make up for the lack of sleep when the days are nice. I am thankful for a real winter day.  

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