Monday, November 21, 2011

They are Finally Here

Day 307 -   the day started on an uncomfortable note. My youngest daughter, the soldier, is having an allergic reaction to something again. This is going on for a few days but it’s getting worse instead of better. So she went to see a doctor today. We finally figured it had to be formaldehyde that is in the vaccine she got few days ago, to which she is allergic, and yesterday she ate a cake that contained orange peel she was not aware of. At some point we were concerned it’s getting out of control, but by now it seems she managed to pull through. At the same time my oldest daughter, her fiancé and their almost 6 months’ old baby were having troubles at the airport, first with their car seat and stroller and when these were found they could not locate one luggage and it took them more than half an hour to find that the old saying is still true – the best place to hide something is in plain sight. They had so many bags and suitcases, it was easy to lose track of one. But all is well if it ends well and it did. So my youngest daughter is doing better and was not sent to the hospital, as they originally thought they will, and my oldest daughter found all the lost items and arrived safely here to the city where I live. Her dad, my ex, came with them and so we had a small family reunion and it was very nice. We spent few hours together, until they were too tired and went to sleep. I didn’t get to play with my granddaughter yet, she was too tired after the long flight – over 25 hours – I did see her and I will see her tomorrow again. It is so nice to have them here and enjoy them after such a long time away. And tomorrow my youngest will join us on her way to the doctor for a little while.
I am thankful that all after such a long time I get to see my oldest daughter, her fiancé and their little baby. I am thankful that it feels like we separated yesterday and that it still feels nice and at ease, I didn’t know what to expect, if there will be some element of moving apart, of becoming strangers. I am thankful for a very lovely evening we spent together. I am thankful my ex and I are finding ways to talk and be nice to each other again; we even went out for coffee in the middle of the night (and could not find an open café). I am thankful my youngest daughter is safe and getting better. I am thankful for a day that had everything in it, an emotional roller coaster, but all is well on the home front right now. I am praying to wake up tomorrow by my alarm clock and not from an emergency phone call.

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