Monday, November 28, 2011

Queen of the Desert

Day 314 – I was at the art supplies store, looking for some ideas when a friend of mine called to remind me about a lecture tonight to a women empowerment group.  I like anything to do with women empowerment so I came right away. It was a lecture about a very challenging trip for women only, called “Queen of the Desert”. An 8 days trip through Lapland in a group of about 50 women in 12 SUVs sleeping in tents, traveling through very rugged terrain and all with no men to help when they have a flat tire or a car get stuck in the mud. They have to cook for themselves and do everything. Exactly the kind of challenge I’d love to take. They don’t take everyone and you have to go through tests to make sure you fit the profile of the people they are looking for. It is also a competition and one car picked as the winner and all the four women get to go the next year for free. So of course I got all excited and I am going to make sure to sign for the testing in May. It also made me think about having the same program elsewhere. I think I will start checking about that. I really want to get into travel, it is the right thing for me and I need to be out of the office, and this kind of travel is what I like most, challenging and out of the beaten path.
I am thankful to my friend for calling me and reminding me about this lecture. I am thankful for such a great idea for a niche travel. I am thankful for another evening I didn’t spend alone with my sadness, but instead I spent it with friends and I heard such an interesting presentation.

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