Sunday, September 29, 2013

A miracle of nature

Day 982 - I met my son and my oldest daughter yesterday evening and today I also met my granddaughter. I didn't see them all for a year now and while in adults' life a year is something that is moderately significant, it is beyond description in a little kid's life. It's almost half her life; and during this time she turned from a baby to a toddler. She runs around and plays games and rides her tricycles and tells stories; in short, Skype is great and all but it's not the same as seeing her in person how charming and wonderful she is. I hope I will be able to see her often in the next two weeks so she'll remember me and we will be able to have some kind of a connection even when I'm back home. And I, on my part, will try to come here twice a year instead of once; not much but this it is the best I can do. I hope one day, when I'll retire, I'll be able to come more often or stay longer, but until then - this is the best I can do. So the problem with living so far is that I am a grandma but I sure don't feel like one since I don't get to see or communicate with my granddaughter. I hope that she is old enough now that we will be able to create some kind of a bond. I don't know if it's really possible but I can hope and do my best. But regardless how the future will shape up, at the moment I am enjoying these special moments and they are really wonderful. It is so special to witness the miracle of nature; how a human baby grows and develop into an independent toddler; to see the skill sets they acquire; it's the physical development as well as the mental development which is even more astounding. I was there looking with admiration at this beautiful little girl and I felt so blessed just for being there. 
I am thankful to my kids for their wonderful company; for a fun evening we had yesterday. I am thankful to my son for spending almost all day today with me. I am thankful to my daughter for such a lovely evening I spent with her family today. I am thankful to have all these wonderful people, all this amazing bounty in my life. I am so thankful I am here.  

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