Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Day 965 - I took the train to the big city today to join a group for a very special evening. Yom Kippur, our day of atonement is coming and it is customary to do some kind of ceremony of forgiveness. We have to ask our fellow humans for forgiveness. It is said that before you ask God we have to ask the people we hurt to forgive us. God cannot do that for them. A very noble idea indeed. So the event tonight was based on this idea but it was to ask ourselves to forgive certain behaviors we practice without being aware of that, behaviors that cause us pain and suffering; whether it is the need to be in control all the time; or life is not fun; or perfectionism or anything else. With the help of guided meditation, we identified the culprit and than had to forgive ourselves for caring it with us. And than we had to find something to replace that behavior; an opposite behavior that we'll take instead. It was a very powerful exersize and I enjoyed it very much. Very befitting for the high holidays.

I am thankful I found out about this event. I am thankful I could take part in it.I am thankful for renewed awareness; for conscious criticism. I am thankful for the discoveries I had regarding these forces who control my behavior. I am thankful for a very interesting night.

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