Thursday, September 19, 2013

The trials in life

Day 973 - the trials in life are the building blocks for our future; the stepping stones for a better or at least wiser tomorrow. This is a common knowledge, and as we grow older we also know that from personal experience. But it doesn't make it any easier to go through these trials. The only difference is that we know that "this too shall pass", that one day the sun will rise again and we will experience its warmth again. So my days are turbulent for one reason or another, too many time I feel like I am out of control in my own little world but I know that one day I will be able to look back at it and it will be from a distance and I won't be in the eye of the storm any more. I'm not there yet and I don't know how long it will take; but I am here and will be here tomorrow as well, and that's plenty right now. And I know all is well and all the players involved are healthy and well, so there's so much to be thankful for. And I am, I really am. May these will be all my worries and concernes; may these will be my worst hurts and pains.

So I am thankful, even at this junction, for every day I am here on this beautiful planet of ours. I am thankful for the health of my loved ones. I am thankful that we have nothing more serious to be hurt about; and its not that I try to belittle what's going on right now; it's just that I know there are things that are so much more painful and life altering. I am thankful for every moment of grace, of kindness, of happiness. I am thankful for my life just the way they are.

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