Wednesday, September 4, 2013

New year

Day 958 - it's New Year today, starting this evening and going strong for the next two days. A long weekend. New year, as always, bring thoughts about new beginnings in life. As always, birth and death keeping company to each other, and this new year that is only few hours old is also the end of last year. I look at the past year and I am so thankful for all its wonderful gifts. Its being a very eventful year, full of new beginnings and not too many things that were sad or too difficult. Of course it had its challenges, of course there are things I wish I did differently, things I wish I did period. But over all not much I want to leave behind and not bring with me to the new year. I hope I will be able to repeat these statements many times. I hope I still have many more New Year celebrations with my family. What else can I ask for in a day like that? I feel so lucky for being here in this country with my youngest daughter and that she chooses to celebrate it with me. I wish one day I will be able to celebrate it with my two older kids as well. But -
I am thankful for what I have; I sure don't take it for granted. I know our time is short and I am thankful for every day I have. I am thankful for a wonderful New Year celebration with my daughter, my parents and my sister and her family.

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