Sunday, February 2, 2014

How to react to a situtation

Day 1109 - sometimes you have to react with logic, not with emotions, actually we have to balance the two. Not to let one be in control of the other and the wisdom we have to exert is to be able to judge when and to what extent. It's so easy to react with emotions when things are not done my way; many times it means to over react. I am too good at that. The lesson for me is to take a deep breath and tell myself, I can do it. I don't have to get angry or upset or hurt. I can just see it for what it is - the frustration of the other person over one thing or another and it has nothing to do with me. At  the spur of the moment when my emotions flair I too often forget that and my goal is to practice it more and more until I can naturally get to that position of dis-attachment; to look to the situation and just be. I got to practice it this evening. I almost burst and then I remembered this card that is my card of the day, and it says: use your logic not your feeling to evaluate the situation, before you react. We have to react, it's part of our nature, but I can chose how; and tonight I chose not to get upset but to let it pass, to understand that the frustration has nothing to do with me and I just happened to be there and I ignited the situation. I like it. I hope I can remember this card for many days. It is a good way to start the week.
I am thankful for this new game - card of the day - it brings so much clarity and a very different way to examine my days. I am thankful I remembered the card when I was about to explode. I am thankful for a wonderful day.    

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