Saturday, February 22, 2014

Three generations

Day 1129 - we made a nice breakfast this morning and then drove to to visit my dad. It's a month since his injury and he is far from getting back home. And it's very difficult for him and even more so for my mom who live now for a month away from home and can do nothing to make him better so they can go back home. It's sure not easy getting old and trying to support each other in this stage is so difficult. So I was happy I was there with my daughter as she brings lightness and warmth into the situation. We were sitting there all of us and it was so nice, so very special, three generations under one roof. I saw her basking in the warmth and love of her grandparents and knew she had these moments as a prize for her decision to move back here. This is something we took away from our children when we moved abroad; they never really had grandparents, or cousins and my youngest daughter is now getting a little of that special feeling even if very late in the game when they are so old and frail. Better now than never.
I am thankful for a day we spent with our family. I am thankful for love and caring. I am thankful for the happiness this move brought into my daughter's and into my own life. I am thankful we still have time to enjoy that. I am thankful for a wonderful weekend.

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