Sunday, May 18, 2014

Getting health conscious

Day 1214 - We decided yesterday we cannot keep going the same way we did so far. We eat too much junk food because we work very late hours and have no time to cook. But This is a very unhealthy habit and it is not a sprint but a marathon so we have to consider the option that this is how our life will look like for a few years. In short, changes had to be made. And so the decision was to go once a week and do the shopping, invest an hour or two cooking and have food we can bring to the store for the rest of the week. And so we did. And it makes me happy to know we are going to eat some real food in the next few days and reduce the amount of junk we pour into our bodies.

I am thankful for an evening of cooking. I am thankful we do these chores together. I am thankful for the prospect of good food tomorrow. I am thankful for a very good day in the store.

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