Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Bad Diagnosis

Day 610 - A month after the test my daughter took we had a meeting with her doctor to discuss the results. We got them in the mail and our interpretation caused us to ask for the consultation, and sure enough, they are not good. A disease she is dealing with since childhood is suddenly out of control and caused havoc in her system, this explained all the myriad of symptoms we saw for months now and had no explanation since we didn't even know it can get act up when she is so careful to follow all the instructions and restrictions . It is not a life threatening disease but a very debilitating situation and something she will have to deal with for a very long time, maybe the rest of her life. and it is especially upsetting knowing she did everything she could and yet it got out of control. So she is going for more tests tomorrow and maybe even more later, to see if this is the only thing or are there some hidden issues we don't know about yet, since too many times an autoimmune disease likes company. 
What can I be thankful for today? I guess that I am thankful we finally know what makes her so sick in the past few months; even if right now there is no cure, it is still good to know what is it that messes things up so much. And I am thankful, as difficult as it is, that this is not a life threatening disease; I know my daughter disagree with me here, but I am so thankful she is sick but not beyond hope. I am thankful one more time that I am here, that I work at this hospital so my daughter is not here alone to deal with all her issues and that I can use my connections to expedite procedures for her. I am thankful beyond word for this amazing daughter of mine that through all this ordeal manages to keep her spirits up and only the closest people even know what she is going through. I am thankful, so very thankful for having her in my life!

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