Sunday, September 9, 2012

Home sweet home

Day 600 - I arrived safely here after an uneventful flight, but the luggage of all of us stranded passengers did not make it here. So hopefully it will arrive tomorrow, but right now I don't know where it is. But I am back home and that is the important thing. I talked to my daughter who will be here tomorrow. When I came home I found out she made the house so welcoming for my return, cleaned and bought some things so I will not come to an empty house and she even made our favorite cake!! Home, what can I say ...   Another surprise, gift, or I just dont know how to call it - my MF waited for me at the airport, a gesture I have no words for. So, what else can I ask for? I am so happy and this trip was a reminder for me of who I was and how my life would have looked like had I stayed. I wrote that a long time ago and today, being day 600 and the day I come back home (how symbolic), I want to restate it once again - I feel like I got my life as a gift for having the courage to brake out of my situation and leave my marriage and my old life behind. I don't know where life will take me but I am blessing every day the fact that I did just that. 

I am thankful for being back home. I am thankful that it really feels like my home. I am thankful to all the wonderful people in my life who helped along the way to create that. I am thankful to my daughter for all the wonderful things she did for my return, for all her love. I am thankful to my MF for waiting for me at the sirport. I am thankful, so thankful to have a home I can come back to and be so welcomed. I am just so thankful tonight for everything.

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