Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A quiet evening at home

Day 624 - After two days at the conference and a long day at work with a very late visit, I am back home. I thought I would like to go out, I even tried to convince a friend to go with me but I came home and didn't feel like leaving again. It's good to be home and relax after few such intense days; to let the overdrive I was in to wash off and allow for some quiet and calm to replace it. I filed papers that where shoved into all different hiding spots, I took care of some bills, of some things on my errands list, in short, I let the routine take over, I try to get back to normal mode. I love my job - the constant changes, the meeting of new people all the time, a conference, some networking but it is very draining and it is so wonderful I have some lull time now to recharge, especially that it came on the tail of my race to finish the project, so really a very intense month. So at the end of a long day and a long week and a long month I really do appreciate some alone time at home, the blessed routine. 
I am thankful for a very intense trip and a very rewarding one. I am just as thankful to be back in my own home, my own bed, my own little heaven. I am thankful for constant changes, for work that is never boring, for life that is so exciting and fun. I am thankful for a quiet evening for the lull. I am thankful for an uneventful evening.     

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