Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Movie night

Day 638 - I went to see a good movie this evening - First Name - a French movie about 5 really good  friends who are gathered for dinner and all is well until one of them mention the name they are planning to call his baby and then all hell brakes loose. From only attacking the choice it becomes a very explosive evening where all the long kept secrets are being thrown at each other and what started as a joke can tear long friendships into anything but. and How do you heal the scars when you cannot undo what has being said... A very good movie that brings in some heavy weight questions and give some answers but not all. It sure highlights again how careful we should be at what we say since we can never take it back. How important it is to keep our cool and not be drown into a fight we didn't choose or need; how powerful it can be to be able to control our temper. And it comes to show how sensitive we have to be with the jokes we make, and not to fall in love with it but to be able to stop a bad one before it's too late, before we hurt someone or let the situation get out of control. It was indeed a very interesting and intriguing movie; I think I'll have to watch it again.
I am thankful that there is a big appreciation to European movies here in my country, something I missed very much in my 22 years abroad; there you watch local films almost exclusively. I am thankful for a very interesting and intriguing movie, a thought provoking one, my cup of tea kind of a movie. I am thankful for lunch I had today with one of my friends; it was really fun and I am happy he called me. I am thankful for a long talk with my BF (latest ex, I should say) we didn't talk since the break up and it was good to do that again. I am thankful for a very good day that is coming to its end as I am going to sleep now. Good night.    

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