Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Before the stroke of midnight

Day 868 - I decided to wrap-up everything by midnight and leave my desk for the night. I want to make some small but important changes, and the first one is my sleep habit, or lack there of. Adding an hour to my night can make a huge difference and it is really and act of love toward myself. So here I am racing to the finish line with 12 minutes to go. No matter what I do at the stroke of midnight it is over and I am getting up to take a shower and go to bed. I know I can do it, it's just a matter of setting things in stone and not moving the schedule for anything, or as close to it as possible. I had a good day, A little more relaxed and I want to believe and little more focused. From now on I will start in a series of small changed towards the goal of focus and attention to the important things in life. I love Tuesdays since it is a day I work from home so I have time in the morning to be with my partner, I have time in the afternoon to be with my daughter and in between I can put a full day work. Now is the last stage of that day - finishing it off. And I'll do it just the way I promised myself. Now I have to start thinking about what changes I want to make tomorrow,

I am thankful for a wonderful day in which I spent quality time with my loved ones. I am thankful I also had time for myself. I am thankful for this new resolve to take good care of myself, of taking care of my sleep. I am thankful that 2 minutes before midnight I am done; about to turn off my computer, take a shower and go to bed. Good Night!!

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