Saturday, March 21, 2015

Quality time

Day 1521 - the trip back home from my parents was longer today since I had three drop-offs. First my daughter, then my brother and then my son. But I gladly did it. It will take each one of them so much longer to get home and it will be so much more costly. Plus I could spend a little extra time with them. My daughter is leaving for her trip so every moment is precious. And my son is finally here after five years we barely saw him so I enjoy every moment as well. My life is very busy these days so a weekend like that is a breath of fresh air and I treasure it very much. Next time we meet is this coming Wednesday just hours before my daughter's flight. I have no words to express how thankful I am that they are both living here now. I am so thankful for every time we get to spend time together; I feel so lucky they want to spend time with me.

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