Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Going Back home

Day 153 - After two weeks here I am going back home. Mixed emotions, of course. I am happy to be back in my own home but I leave my loved ones behind. My daughter is very busy right now with the new baby so I didn't get to spend much time with her and saying goodbye was easier. it was a different story to say good bye to my son, knowing it will be months before we meet again. It's breaking my heart to say goodbye, to be so far away from him. But i feel blessed to spend such great time with him, he devoted every moment possible to be with me, and I am thankful beyond words for that. being so far away and knowing we have so little time together actually makes the time we do have so much more meaningful. we talk more and about things that matter and we are actually present.
I am thankful for a wonderful visit, for all the people I saw, for all the friends and especially to my family for such great time. I am thankful for going home and I can't wait to see my youngest daughter, even if only for two days before she flies here for a few weeks.

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