Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Day 155 – I am back home. It took me a year but I can say it now with full intention – I am back home. This is my home and I love it; I had a wonderful trip but I am happy to be back. My daughter waited for me at the train station with flowers!! and it was so good to see her after a long trip. Sadly she is leaving to fly back in three days, but at least we will have few days together. We went out for quick dinner and we set in an outdoors café – so nice to see the city still alive at this time of night. And it was just nice to catch up and enjoy each other’s company again.
Visiting my old home a year after I left made me realize how much things changed during that time. I remember the woman I was last year, weak and lost, not sure what is my next step, but determined to start over. A year later I am strong and confident and free. I know I will keep making changes and finding new challenges to conquer but a year later I am at peace, I don’t have to prove anything anymore. My true home is inside me, I am my island of peace, and I am forever free. It is for me to lose it; no one can take it from me. It is such a powerful understanding.
I am thankful to be with my daughter for a few days before she travels back for a visit; I will miss her so much when she is gone. I am thankful to be back home. I am so thankful with the new understandings I reached as a result of this trip – this is really my home, and I feel so much at home here, and I am thankful for all the changes I went through this year.

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