Thursday, August 11, 2011

Early Bedtime

Day 205 – I came back home today so tired after another long day (and the wrong shoes for running around all day L ) so I am going to treat myself to something special – no going out to karaoke and no going out to a movie – all plans I had earlier, but instead going to take a shower and try to make it to bed by 9 pm, I can’t think of something more self-caring I could do at the moment. It was a long week and I have tomorrow another day of work instead of rest as is the case every Friday so I’m going to make up for it by going to sleep so early. One thing I have to say, it was a long week and I worked very hard to make sure that everything will run smoothly and it did. Not even one hick-up and it makes me feel so good. I love this kind of work and I do it well. I think this should be my direction in my professional life - organizing events. I’ll do a very good job and I’ll enjoy every minute of it. This is definitely something to think about.

I am thankful for this week; it taught me so much about myself. I am thankful for all the challenges it presented and the rewards it brought in its wake. I am thankful for an early bed time.

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