Thursday, August 4, 2011

A Stinky Story

Day 198 – I was planning to have a karaoke night. But at the end I didn’t go – I am too tired for that, and literally falling asleep. Yesterday night my daughter called past midnight and woke me from my sleep. I was happy she called since the night before I didn’t wake up and so I missed her. After we talked I just couldn’t fall back to sleep. I went to sleep less than two hours before, so it’s not that I wasn’t tired, but I  was tossing and turning and at some point I started to really smell my dog. It came in whiffs of heavy smell and I telling myself that she really stinks and I have to wash her, but it was so bad I couldn’t sleep. After an hour I had enough and decided to leave her in the room and move to the other one, maybe that I will be able to sleep. Luckily as I got close to the door I saw something dark by the door - my dog left me a present! So in the middle of the night I had to clean it and wash the floors. Needless to say I didn’t sleep much and so I decided that my sleep is even more important than karaoke and I am postponing it until next week.

I have to admit it was easy to see some very good reasons to be thankful yesterday night, but not stepping in the pile of s__t tops the list. So I am so thankful I avoided that pile. I think it would have been a very challenging thing to try to find something to be thankful for had I stepped in J. And right now I am thankful for the flexibility I allowed myself to deviate from my plans and go for the much needed sleep instead.  

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