Friday, August 26, 2011

A Reading Marathon

Day 220 – I went to the beach this afternoon with a book I bought a while ago. Three hours later when it was getting dark I left the beach and went back home. I had many plans for this evening but I set down to read just a little more and here I am almost 7 hours later still not done with the book but unable to read any more. My vision is just too blurry. So finally I got up and decided to go, take a shower and go to sleep. I didn't engage in a marathon of reading in a very long time but the story is engaging enough and so I did just that.
I will talk about the book tomorrow when I’ll finish it, but for now I just want to say it is touching issues I deal with all the time – living other’s wishes not mine, open up and be candid about feelings, the meaning and role of love in our lives and also it touches the story of Leningrad during the was a very scary story, especially when told from the angle of a young mother trying to protect her children during that long cold winter. It makes history very personal, the only way it can full the strings of our heart. It is difficult to read, it is the fear of every mother, that she won’t be able to protect her children. That something might happen to them; a heart breaking story.
I am thankful for finding this book, difficult as it is it brings issue we all have to think about and deal with. I am thankful for a reading marathon it feels good sometimes to get so lost in a story. And above all, I am thankful my daughter got a surprise weekend off base and came here for a few hours to visit me.

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