Sunday, August 7, 2011

Photo Books - Step Two

Day 201 – Before I left home last year I started a monumental project of converting all our albums to photo books so each one of the family members can have a copy. I scanned hundreds of pictures but did not have time to finish it all, and so last time I visit, since it was strictly pleasure and no work I had time to finish this scanning project and started the next stage which is photo shopping every picture. Since I scanned whole pages I had to first cut each image to its individual photos and then start the enhancing and repairing since many of the old pictures have lost their colors or developed some molds that had to be digitally removed. A project so big I don’t even want to look how much is left so it will not discourage me. But what I realized today is that I don’t have to wait until all is done but I will start making albums, one at a time as I go. And so I took already the first step. I did some serious research to find which one is the best company for me to use and decided on And I am now in the process of loading the pictures for the first book. I don’t know why I didn’t think of it before, but this is definitely the right way to go. Get the books off my computer and onto the shelves of everyone as I progress. I love making books and I know that this will also encourage me to work faster. It is very tedious work to fix all the pictures but when I see where they are going it is easy to keep going, which is not the case if they just accumulate in a file. I am sure will write a lot about this project in the next few weeks as I get more into it.
I am thankful that what started as searching for ideas about my “artist date” for this week turned into an amazing idea and a new project for me. I am thankful for all these wonderful memories that are now going to be saved from further destruction and shared by all our family members, where ever we are. I am thankful for this passion of mine for monumental projects; I know the end result will be worth the efforts.

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