Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Step Two - Meeting with an Advisor

Day 217 – I had a meeting today with a mentor from a government subsidized agency that helps entrepreneurs taking their first steps toward having their own business. I told the advisor  my idea and my thoughts of how to go about it. She liked it very much and gave me the name of a patent lawyer as a first step to check if it is a patentable idea and if it is really open yet. I am going to do some research in the next few days and will meet her next week for step two, pending the results of the research of course. Regardless of the outcome I am very happy about that. it is the first time that I had such a great idea and it is also the first time for me to take actual steps in the direction of starting my own business. I am not following anyone’s footsteps but blazing my own trail. Of course many people took this path of a start-up before but the idea is totally mine and if I am right and it is not protected, then I am going to start the development of a proto-type that I will start selling. So many times I was thinking about having my own business but it was all the time a small thing, just to make a living. This time it is on a whole different scale, a whole new ball game for me and this is the reason I decided to contact that agency and asked to join the mentors’’ program. My invention is the new thing I want to bring forward; I don’t want to re-invent the wheel about how to start a business. I don’t want my idea to never become a real product just because I don’t know how to run a business. So I will take any help I can and hopefully I am right about the uniqueness of the invention. I will know more in a week or so. Until then I have time to dream. I was thinking about it a lot today. I really want it to succeed in a big way I want to sell millions of items. But I want to succeed not for the money but for the product and for the achievement. I want to go into a playing field I never even visited before and play the big league. And a little, and not so nice side of me, wants to succeed also to shove itto my ex. He told me in so many ways I cannot succeed in things like that, and made me feel as if I am not good for much way too many times; if I will succeed in his arena – that will be big (and a little hurtful). It is not vengeance; it is more like a little kid who wants to show she can.  I hope this big dream will not fall short next week when I am done with my preliminary research. Until then, as I said before, I can dream. Dreams are the gift for those who dare to step out their comfort zon, for these who dare to try.  I am planning to be in that position from now on. Even if this one will not work-out I know that once I touched that divine source it will be there for me again, and I will be ready. 

I am thankful for big dreams and big hopes. I am thankful for any guidance and any help I can get along the way. I am thankful for the few extra days I can still dream. I am thankful for the source of all creativity that opened the gates for me. I promise to never abuse these gifts.   

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