Sunday, August 28, 2011

What If

Day 222Finishing week 5 of “The Artist’s Way”, I had few tasks that required going through magazines to cut images of dreams, plans, alternative lives, things I’d do at 65 and have a lot of money, things I’d do if I was in my 20’s again and had a lot of money… last week I bought a magazine but it was not a good one and today I suddenly remembered that I have few magazines I shipped with my stuff and I didn’t even know where to put it and so I left it in one of the boxes. What a treasure!! For the next 4 hours I was leafing through magazines, checking pictures for all kind of crazy or wishful things. I cut pictures of Safaris, hiking the Himalayas, rafting, mountain biking, exotic places and remote places. I didn’t feel the time – suddenly it was almost 1 am. It’s like weaving magic. I think this is the reason we were encouraged to do that. It made my imagination take flight. For hours I was just playing “what if…” without even realizing it. And I think it does few things to the soul – imagination, creativity, and above all a push to start working towards these dreams. In coaching they always teach that the more real our goals are, the more we can imagine them- the better it is. And looking for hours at images of things I really want to do, make me want to start getting serious about creating a plan of how to get there, and a deadline of when.
It is after 1 am and I woke up over 20 hours ago, but I am wide awake and my mind is racing, but in a good way. I can start doing some of the stuff right here – biking for example or scuba diving, and I can start putting money aside and start planning my first excursion.
I am thankful for a very pleasant evening where I had a chance to get my inner child out for a few hours and play a game of "what if", and allowed myself to dream big. I am thankful for the realization of how invigorating dreaming can be. I am thankful for the possibilities this game brought up. I could call it an artist date, but I don’t – I have some other plans for later this week. I am thankful for this book – I really like the places it takes me.

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