Saturday, December 10, 2011

A Very Relaxed Weekend

Day 326 –   I am very happy to report that it is now 36 hours later and I still feel great. I had no pain at all, not any discomfort and I didn’t have to take any medications, other than antibiotics, so I am very happy about that. It seems I really found myself a dentist.
The good thing about going through a surgery is that you have a license to take it easy for a day or two. And this is exactly what I did today.  I woke up today at 10:30 and by the time I left home to take my dog for a long walk it was past 12. This is such a treat in my usually very busy schedule. Something so simple as having a nap in the middle of the day or get up late feel like something so special for me. I have to take notice and do that more often. I don’t have to wait for a surgery to treat myself to something special, to pamper myself. Later I met my ex mother-in-law for lunch (yes, lunch a day after dental surgery!!) and I went with my daughter to meet dear friends we met “back home” and now they also moved back here few months ago. In short it was a relaxed and lovely day and I am very happy to have such a weekend. I know I will be more refreshed and ready for a new week.
I am so thankful my surgery went so well; that I was up and running today with no pain and no limitations at all. I am thankful for a very relaxed day I got to enjoy with family and friends. And as always, I am thankful to my daughter for coming here and spending the night with me, it is always so wonderful when she is here.

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