Sunday, November 18, 2012

A Busy Evening

Day 670 - Going to sleep so late as I did yesterday has it's down side. Even though I slept only 4 hours I still got to work only after 9 am. And so to make up the hours I had to stay late tonight and I could not go to my art class. Another sad fact is that I didn't have a chance to clean my house since I came back from Prague so, as I already missed my class, I started cleaning and organizing, putting stuff away. And then another hour long phone call with that guy, a call that seemed so short, and so I once again I find myself still awake way past midnight. It's a vicious cycle that I have to find a way to break. I am not tired but I sure don't sleep enough. I guess if he is a figment I will gain few hours every day to sleep instead of being on the phone. But right now, when my daughter and her friends are in the army and the voices talking about land operation are getting louder, I need this distraction; I cannot just sit here and worry sick. So I talked to my son for an hour, I talked to this guy, I cleaned, I came home late... and it is finally time to sleep. I hope to wake up tomorrow for news of a quiet night in the south, for no casualties and most of all to no land activity. I pray for a quick ending to this mini war and for the safety and well being of my daughter and all our soldiers.
I am thankful for a day that is coming to its end with no bad news for us. I am thankful for phone calls, for messages of concern from our friends here and abroad. I am thankful for chain of emails so interesting and challenging and stirring at times. I am thankful for possibilities, for dreams even in the eye of the storm. I am thankful I can sleep peacefully in my bed tonight; I thank our beloved daughters and sons, our soldiers, who are staying awake and alert day and night, enabling us to do that; to have relatively peaceful life here, in the midst of all the craze.  

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