Thursday, November 22, 2012

Now that the war is over

Day 674 - My daughter is back after a week in the military reserve, from her deployment. Only now when she  is back and safe I heard the real stories, what she saw and experienced. She wanted to protect me, so I wont worry and for that she had to hide a lot from me during the week. I understand why but still I was very sad because it meant she could not share her fears and pain with me. I asked her to never do that again. I can take it, I saw her almost die, but I want to know when she is in danger or not safe. I want to be part of her life for better and worse. My heart goes out to her, to experiences that no one has to go through. She gave name and pictures for me to soldiers in the battlefield. I never thought of it in these terms and I guess I'll never be able to sleep the same way again when something happens on the borders. But this is how it should be. I live here so I have to fully understand what it means; all the way. To the fear, and the worries, to the small acts of bravery, or cowardice. To boys who are forced to become men in a matter of days; who are being exposed to the kind of decisions no one should be forced to do. She went there as an innocent young woman and came back, only a week later, as so much more. She came back overwhelmed with love to all these boys, with a deep resolve to be of help, to be part of it. With so much more understanding of the conflict. She came back with teary eyes and strong heart. I am standing here, looking at her and admiring what she did; as always admiring the young and strong woman who is blossoming before my eyes. Praying for her safety in hindsight, what I should have done and didn't know; with a heart full of emotions and thanks she is safely home again.  I am thankful and proud to be the mother of such an amazing young woman; I look at her and my heart is so pull - full of love and of pride of who she is and what she is capable of doing. Of her courage and dedication; of her love and compassion. of who she has become.
I am thankful this war is over; I know it might erupt again any moment but I am thankful it was called off right now. I am thankful for my daughter return; scarred but unharmed. I am thankful for all these young men that their lives were spared; I am praying with all my heart for a peaceful solution to the conflict; the though of any one of them getting hurt is tearing my heart; I cannot bear to think that. I am thankful for my daughter's return and for the unbelievable woman she is. 

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