Friday, November 30, 2012

Going south

Day 682 - I drove today to visit my parents, picking up my daughter on my way south. It was good to see her after a week apart and hear some of her stories; settling down into this adult like routine, work, new friends... She is really so mature and it makes me so happy to see how she is doing it all on her own; how she handles everything with her usual poise and resourcefulness  how a twenty years old woman is taking her first step in this strange and unknown world of "after army service". I saw her apartment only on the day she moved in and now, two weeks later it looks so different, like the real thing. She worked her first full night shift and was very tired in the evening, but happy for the promise of freedom and control this work gives her, for stability and growth. I have to admit I am very tired as well after another too short of a night sleep and a long drive, so I'll finish writing and go to sleep as well. 
I am thankful I finally made it all the way to the south to see my parents. I am thankful I've found them in good spirit and health; time does take its toll on both of them, but it's a slow process, just the way it should. I am thankful for the quite and peaceful atmosphere that gives me the permission to go to sleep so early; I need it more that I realized. I am thankful for quality time I had with my daughter as we made our trip to my parents'. 

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