Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The end of our trip

Day 665 - we had a most beautiful day. Blue skies, sunny and relatively warm. A perfect ending to this amazing trip. We took it easy, went to see the famous Charles Bridge on our own, wondering the neighborhood around it, bought enormous amount of candies from this very special store where they hand make them in all designs and flavors. We had coffee and late lunch and at 5 o'clock we went back to the hotel, picked up our luggage and headed to the airport. Now cabs in The Czeck Republic are very expensive and the drivers are infamous for their dishonesty, so every travel book and even the locals will tell you to use public transportation. Arriving few days ago at 11pm, not knowing the place, where is our boat located as related to the metro and what line to use , we took a cabthen. But five days later we are already very comfortable with our surroundings and so public transportation is the obvious choice. We took the metro, switched to the airport bus and in less than an hour and for tenth of the price we were at the airport. I am writing now from the train on my way back home. We already had our short flight back to our country and in an hour we'll be back home. These short and fast changes never fail to amaze me. Only four and a half hours ago we were still in a different country many miles away from home. And now this trip is over and in a few hours we have to wake up from this dream and go back to our daily life, to our routine.

I am thankful for an amazing day, so beautiful and pleasant. I am thankful for an amazing day with mt daughter, for the laughs and the tears, for all the love we share. I am thankful for this amazing trip that will set apart the before and after, that will mark the transition, just as it should. I am thankful to see my daughter so wonderful, confident and capable ready to embark on her new life, even if it is a little scary and mostly unknown. I am thankful I can bare witness to all that.

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