Sunday, January 20, 2013

A desert scene

Day 733 - On Thursday we are not going to be here, but at my parents house, at the edge of the desert were we will start our journey. But my painting class is something I don't like to miss, so I took the alternative class tonight. and being in the desert mood already, I painted a desert scene. It's not done yet, but I am not sure yet how I want to proceed and so I put it at home on the isle and for the next few days I'll look at it every day until it will come to me. This is still an abstract painting but has a scene to it and I really like the feelings it revokes in me. I am so looking forward to our upcoming trip and so this painting is also a step in that direction a longing and admiration to the desert. I am always so happy to be in my painting class and today was no exception, I like this feeling of freedom, the reach into my own soul and the unexpected creativity. I love the fact that even when I know the subject of my painting I never know how it will develop since this is totally a spur of a moment kind of thing.

I am thankful for yet another wonderful painting class. I am thankful for two hours of so much enjoyment. I am thankful for every bit of expression it gets out of me. I am thankful for a wonderful day.  

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