Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Road rush

Day 735 - It is our election day and a day off work for everyone, but I am leaving on my trip in two days and I can't afford that luxury; I have too much work to take a day off. So I worked a full day but this evening we already packed our backpacks for the trip. 12 Kg, I think I'll be OK; my partner keeps saying I am taking too much and will regret it later, but I am taking and will have to deal with regrets later, or hopefully not. So we are almost there; one more day of work two more nights in our warm and and then we hit the road. I am so excited i can barely wait. It is an epic adventure for me, something I planned to do such a long time ago and did not think I'll find someone to do it with.And here I am now, moments before. The problem of course is that I will not be able to post in my blog every day since I have to save my phone battery for emergencies and also there are areas with no cellular coverage. So I will write the old fashion way with pen and paper and will post my entries when I am coming out for air.

I am thankful for another day that brings me closer to our departure day. I am thankful we are done planning and ready to go.   I am thankful for a dream that is about to come true. I am thankful to my partner for this amazing gift of kindness. I am thankful, so thankful for the butterflies, the excitement, for being in "a moment before" stage. I can't wait to go!!

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