Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Some health issues

Day 721 - I had a doctor appointment today to go over the results of my lab work. The fact she wanted to see me meant the results are not good or else she won't ask to see me. I knew what it is all about - my cholesterol level is way too high. It is too high for many years already but as I am getting older and I don't have the hormonal protection anymore I have to take it more seriously. I know I have to and I just don't. So this meeting today was very important for me, kind of a wake up call. I refuse ti take medications for the condition; I read a lot about it and I don't want it; I don't want to start putting chemicals into my body. So if I refuse to treat it with chemistry I have to do it the old fashion way, to chance my life style, to change my habits. I have to exercise more, to eat very little or no meat at all. I have to add fish into my diet and reduce animal products such as milk, butter and eggs. And I am committed to do just that, to reduce my cholesterol level this way and keep my body with no medications. I did it once already years ago and it was very successful but I dropped the ball after three years and now I am going back to it and this time I am making it a permanent change, a new life style.
I am thankful for this wake up call; I know it will require some changes but I better do them before i"ll find myself in a dire situation. I am thankful to my partner for going on that road with me, making the same changes and not looking at it as sacrifice but as a needed and welcome change; I am so thankful for his constant present in my life. I am thankful that even with this little hick-up I am so healthy and full of energy; I made the promise to myself to stay like that for as long as I live. And as it is in the paste few days - I am thankful for my warm and dry shelter as the gale is still at full force.

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