Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Still about the storm

Day 722 - The storm is still going at full force and reports from all over the country about flooding and snow and sleet keep coming. It might not be a big deal in a country used to snow or floods. but we are a very dry country and not really ready for storms like this one. So the weather is the talk of the day. And it's funny but I catch myself doing the same; all excited about major arteries being blocked; trains and bused stuck and re-routed. In short it's fun. Its January and my city have reached the average annual rainfalls and we still have two months in the rainy season. The only problem is that it is very cold and nothing can warm my very cold apartment, so today I came back from work, ate a very hot lentil soup and went right to bed, the only warm place here. So tonight is "do everything at bed" day, even doing my homework and writing my blog but now I am going to put it to one more good use - I am going to sleep, because I am so very tired.

I am thankful for a having a warm bed I can crawl into and get warm and fuzzy. I am thankful in the name of my country for these blessed rain, for all the water that will go to replenish our water reservoirs. I am thakful for a good year, a blessed year on so many aspects. I am thankful for this much needed sleep I am slipping into as I type.

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