Sunday, March 31, 2013

Tenderness without words

Day 803 - after the long hike yesterday we had a quite day at home. Just working on things, talking having fun with my daughter and eating, of course. A quite day at home without much excitement but the pleasure of being together and enjoying each other's company all the three of us. These special moments of tenderness and care is what the fabric of our life made of. these are the moments we'll cherish and long for when our world is in turmoil. I feel blessed for learning this important lesson and because of that being able to enjoy such moment and not be in a position of acknowledging them only after they are long gone.

I am thankful for the lessons of my life that brought me to this point of being able to enjoy the little flowers at the side of the road. I am thankful I can do that when my life is bright and shiny and not only when troubles knock on my door; I am not that naive to think they'll never come. But I can fully enjoy this special moment at the present moment in my life.

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