Monday, April 1, 2013

A very special hiking trip

Day 804 - We asked my daughter if she'd like to take a hike with us today and she said yes. We offered to go back to Masada where we hiked last weekend. Masada is a very heroic story in the history of our nation and living abroad for so many years my daughter did not know the story nor visited the place. So it was a wonderful opening to what we hope will become a tradition. It is far away from home two and a half hours away so by the time we started our hike it was almost 9am. Pretty reasonable on any given day except the very hot day we faced. We started the steep ascent and after a few moments we knew it is going to be difficult. It is very easy to over heat in this weather and no amount of water can make up for that. We did it but it was difficult and at times we questioned our decision to continue but we did it and I have to admit the satisfaction is even greater because of the challenge we faced. But we decided it is our last hike in this area until the winter. From now on we will hike only in the north part of our country and as the summer progresses to shaded areas and to places with water. But we are going to keep our hiking tradition. We both love it and now my daughter is planning to join us more often and this.

I am thankful for a wonderful day on the trail with my daughter. I am thankful that despite the heat we made it and in not too bad of a shape. I am thankful my daughter liked it and is planning to join us for more trips. I am thankful for another day spent outdoors in our beautiful country.

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